Top 10 Money Plants Best for Home & Vastu

What is Money Plant?

The term money plant often refers to a variety of resilient and attractive plants, cherished for their beauty and reputed ability to attract good fortune and prosperity. These plants, known for their lush, green foliage and adaptability, are popular choices for both indoor and outdoor environments.

Money plants include varieties like Philodendron Brasil, Satin Pothos, Variegated Money Plant, and Manjula Pothos, all renowned for their aesthetic appeal and easy care. The Marble Queen Pothos and N’Joy Pothos are especially valued for their distinctive leaf patterns and trailing growth, making them ideal for hanging baskets or as decorative additions to any space. Green Money Plant and Neon Pothos are celebrated for their vibrant hues, while Silver Pothos adds a touch of elegance with its silvery leaves.

Epipremnum aureum and Philodendron Brasil are among the popular choices for those seeking a lucky plant for money. The Silver Money Plant and Neon Money Plant not only enhance the visual appeal of your indoor garden but are also thought to bring prosperity and positivity. With their versatility and low maintenance requirements, these plants are perfect for various settings, including hanging plants for balconies and indoor spaces.

Whether you choose the Marble Queen Pothos Plant, Manjula Money Plant, or Neon Money Plant, incorporating these hanging plants into your home or garden can potentially enhance both the beauty and ambiance of your space, aligning with the age-old belief in their ability to attract financial success.

Does Money Plant Attract Money?

The idea that the money plant attracts wealth and prosperity is a widely held belief in various cultures. Often referred to as a “lucky plant for money,” the money plant is thought to bring financial success and positive energy into the home. This belief is especially strong with popular varieties like Philodendron Brasil, Satin Pothos, Variegated Money Plant, Manjula Pothos, Marble Queen Pothos, N’Joy Pothos, Green Money Plant, Neon Pothos, Silver Pothos, and Jade Pothos.

These plants are not only admired for their beauty but also for their symbolic association with financial prosperity. While there is no scientific proof linking money plants directly to wealth, their lush, attractive foliage and ease of care make them popular choices for enhancing the ambiance of a home. Many people place these plants in strategic locations, like near entrances or financial areas of their homes, believing that they help invite positive energy and potentially attract good fortune.

Top 10 Money Plants for Indoor & Outdoor Gardens

When selecting money plant for indoor or outdoor garden, it’s essential to choose varieties that not only look attractive but also thrive well in their respective environments. Here are the top 10 money plants that excel in both aesthetics and functionality:

philodendron brasil - philodendron 'brasil'

1. Philodendron Brasil

1.1. Scientific Name: Philodendron ‘Brasil’

1.2. Origin: Araceae

1.3. Description: The Philodendron Brasil features heart-shaped leaves with vibrant green and golden-yellow variegation. This hardy plant is well-suited for both indoor and outdoor settings, thriving in indirect light. It’s particularly appreciated for its air-purifying qualities, making it a beneficial addition to any space. Its trailing vines make it ideal for hanging baskets or high shelves, where it can cascade gracefully. The Philodendron Brasil requires minimal care, needing only occasional watering and well-draining soil to flourish.

1.4. Effects on Vastu: Considered a lucky plant, Philodendron Brasil is believed to bring positive energy and enhance financial stability when placed in the right location.

1.5. Direction For Vastu: Place this plant in the southeast corner of your home or office to attract prosperity and wealth.

satin pothos - marble money plant

 2. Satin Pothos

2.1. Scientific Name: Epipremnum aureum

2.2. Origin: Araceae

2.3. Description: Known for its glossy, heart-shaped leaves with a unique silver sheen, the Satin Pothos adds a touch of elegance to any room. It thrives in low to bright indirect light, making it versatile for various indoor settings. The plant is also suitable for outdoor hanging planters where it can benefit from filtered sunlight. With its easy-care nature, the Satin Pothos requires only occasional watering and can tolerate periods of neglect, making it a popular choice for busy individuals or those new to plant care.

2.4. Effects on Vastu: Satin Pothos is believed to attract positive energy and promote a calm, peaceful atmosphere in the home.

2.5. Direction For Vastu: Ideal placement is in the east or southeast direction to enhance wealth and prosperity.

variegated money plant - variegated pothos

 3. Variegated Money Plant

3.1. Scientific Name: Epipremnum aureum

3.2. Origin: Araceae

3.3. Description: The Variegated Money Plant is admired for its striking combination of creamy-white and green leaves. This plant is known for its ability to adapt to different light conditions, from low light to bright indirect light. It’s often used to decorate indoor spaces, but it also thrives in outdoor hanging planters. Its trailing vines make it ideal for creating lush, cascading displays. Regular watering and well-draining soil will help it thrive, making it a low-maintenance yet visually appealing choice for any gardener.

3.4. Effects on Vastu: This plant is believed to attract wealth and positive energy, making it a popular choice for homes and offices.

3.5. Direction For Vastu: Place it in the southeast direction to enhance financial stability and invite prosperity.

manjula pothos - manjula money plant

 4. Manjula Pothos

4.1. Scientific Name: Epipremnum aureum

4.2. Origin: Araceae

4.3. Description: The Manjula Pothos is distinguished by its unique marbled leaves, which feature a mix of white, cream, and green hues. This variety is well-suited for bright indoor environments and can be grown in hanging baskets or as a trailing plant. It’s known for its resilience and ease of care, requiring only occasional watering and a well-draining potting mix. The Manjula Pothos adds a touch of sophistication to any space with its eye-catching foliage and low-maintenance requirements.

4.4. Effects on Vastu: Manjula Pothos is believed to bring peace and tranquility to a space, promoting mental clarity and well-being.

4.5. Direction For Vastu: Best placed in the north or east direction to enhance harmony and success.

marble queen pothos plant - marble queen pothos

 5. Marble Queen Pothos

5.1. Scientific Name: Epipremnum aureum

5.2. Origin: Araceae

5.3. Description: The Marble Queen Pothos is celebrated for its striking white and green marbled leaves, which add a sophisticated look to any indoor space. It thrives in bright, indirect light and can be used to create stunning displays in hanging baskets or elevated planters. The plant is relatively low-maintenance, requiring occasional watering and a well-draining soil mix. Its trailing vines make it perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any room, while its hardy nature ensures it remains a reliable choice for plant enthusiasts.

5.4. Effects on Vastu: Marble Queen Pothos is thought to attract wealth and prosperity while also improving the flow of positive energy in the home.

5.5. Direction For Vastu: Place in the southeast direction to enhance financial growth and attract positive energy.

n'joy pothos - n joy money plant

 6. N’Joy Pothos

6.1. Scientific Name: Epipremnum aureum

6.2. Origin: Araceae

6.3. Description: The N’Joy Pothos is a compact variety with small, rounded leaves that are a mix of white and green. This plant is ideal for adding charm to small indoor spaces or as a hanging plant. It thrives in bright, indirect light and requires minimal care, making it perfect for those with busy lifestyles. The n joy money plant is also versatile enough to be used in various plant arrangements, offering a touch of elegance with its distinctive foliage and easy-going nature.

6.4. Effects on Vastu: N’Joy Pothos is believed to enhance creativity and bring a sense of peace and calm to a space.

6.5. Direction For Vastu: Best placed in the north or east direction to boost creativity and mental clarity.

green money plant - green pothos

7. Green Money Plant

7.1. Scientific Name: Epipremnum aureum

7.2. Origin: Araceae

7.3. Description: Known for its lush green, heart-shaped leaves, the Green Money Plant is a traditional favorite for its association with good fortune. This plant thrives in a range of lighting conditions, from low light to bright indirect light, making it versatile for indoor environments. It’s also suitable for outdoor hanging planters, where it can benefit from filtered sunlight. With its easy-care nature, the Green Money Plant requires occasional watering and a well-draining potting mix, making it a reliable choice for any garden or home.

7.4. Effects on Vastu: The Green Money Plant is believed to attract wealth and enhance positive energy in the home.

7.5. Direction For Vastu: Place it in the southeast direction to attract prosperity and financial stability.

neon pothos - neon money plant

 8. Neon Pothos

8.1. Scientific Name: Epipremnum aureum

8.2. Origin: Araceae

8.3. Description: The Neon Pothos stands out with its vibrant lime-green leaves that add a splash of color to any setting. This plant thrives in bright, indirect light and is well-suited for both indoor and outdoor environments. Its trailing vines make it an excellent choice for hanging baskets or elevated planters. The Neon Pothos is easy to care for, requiring only occasional watering and a well-draining soil mix. Its bold color and low-maintenance nature make it a popular choice for adding vibrancy to any space.

8.4. Effects on Vastu: Neon Pothos is believed to attract positivity and energize a space, promoting growth and prosperity.

8.5. Direction For Vastu: Ideal placement is in the southeast corner to attract wealth and positive energy.

silver pothos - silver money plant

9. Silver Pothos

9.1. Scientific Name: Epipremnum aureum

9.2. Origin: Araceae

9.3. Description: The Silver Pothos, also known as Satin Pothos, features leaves with a shimmering silver sheen, adding a touch of elegance to any room. This plant thrives in low to bright indirect light, making it versatile for various indoor settings. It can also be used in outdoor hanging planters where it benefits from filtered sunlight. With its easy-care nature, the Silver Pothos requires minimal attention, needing only occasional watering and a well-draining soil mix to maintain its attractive appearance.

9.4. Effects on Vastu: Silver Pothos is thought to attract wealth and promote a peaceful, harmonious atmosphere.

9.5. Direction For Vastu: Best placed in the east or southeast direction to enhance prosperity and harmony.

hanging plant - money plant

10. Jade Pothos

10.1. Scientific Name: Epipremnum aureum

10.2. Origin: Araceae

10.3. Description: The Jade Pothos is known for its rich green, shiny leaves that can grow long and lush. This plant is ideal for hanging baskets or elevated planters, where its cascading vines can create a stunning display. It thrives in a variety of lighting conditions, from low light to bright indirect light, and requires minimal care. Regular watering and a well-draining potting mix will help it flourish. The Jade Pothos is a versatile and reliable choice for adding greenery to both indoor and outdoor spaces.

10.4. Effects on Vastu: Jade Pothos is believed to attract positive energy and bring financial stability, making it a great addition to any home or office.

10.5. Direction For Vastu: Place in the southeast direction to enhance wealth and prosperity.

How to Take Care of Money Plants (Indoor & Outdoor)

Proper care for money plants, such as Philodendron Brasil, Satin Pothos, and Variegated Money Plant, ensures they thrive and enhance your space with their lush, vibrant foliage. Here’s how to care for these green beauties, whether indoors or outdoors:

Indoor Care

1. Light: Most money plants, including Manjula Pothos, Marble Queen Pothos, and Neon Pothos, prefer bright, indirect light. They can tolerate lower light conditions but will grow more slowly and lose some of their variegation. Place them near a window where they receive filtered sunlight.

2. Watering: Keep the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again. Overwatering can lead to root rot, especially in varieties like Silver Pothos and Green Money Plant. Reduce watering in winter when the plant’s growth slows down.

3. Humidity: Indoor environments can be dry, especially in winter. Increase humidity by misting the plants regularly or placing a humidifier nearby. This is particularly beneficial for plants like Neon Money Plant and Jade Pothos.

4. Temperature: Money plants thrive in average room temperatures, ideally between 60-75°F (15-24°C). Avoid placing them in drafts or near heat sources.

5. Pruning: Regularly trim back any overgrown or yellowing leaves to promote healthy growth and maintain the plant’s shape. This is especially important for trailing varieties like Philodendron Brasil and Satin Pothos.

Outdoor Care

1. Light: For outdoor settings, such as balconies or patios, choose a spot with bright, filtered light. Full sun can scorch the leaves of plants like Marble Queen Pothos and Variegated Money Plant. A shaded or partially shaded area is ideal.

2. Watering: Outdoor money plants will need more frequent watering compared to indoor ones, especially during hot weather. Ensure good drainage to prevent waterlogging. Use a well-draining potting mix suitable for outdoor plants.

3. Temperature: Protect outdoor money plants from extreme temperatures. In colder climates, they may need to be brought indoors during winter or provided with adequate protection.

4. Fertilizing: Outdoor money plants benefit from regular feeding. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season to encourage robust growth and vibrant foliage.

5. Pest Control: Keep an eye out for pests like aphids and spider mites. Regularly inspect your plants and treat any infestations promptly with suitable organic insecticides.

By following these care guidelines, your money plants—whether it’s the lush Golden Pothos, the striking Marble Queen Pothos, or the elegant N’Joy Pothos—will flourish and continue to add beauty and positive energy to your space. For premium quality money plants and expert advice, explore Gachwala’s collection and enhance your indoor and outdoor gardens with these delightful green companions.

Benefits of Money plants

Money plants are not just visually appealing additions to your home but also offer numerous benefits that enhance both your living space and overall well-being. Here’s a closer look at how these plants contribute to a healthier, more prosperous environment.

1. Air Purification: Many money plants, such as the Philodendron Brasil, Satin Pothos, and Marble Queen Pothos, are renowned for their air-purifying qualities. They effectively remove toxins like formaldehyde and benzene from the air, making your indoor environment cleaner and healthier. This is particularly beneficial in urban settings where air quality can be compromised.

2. Low Maintenance: Plants like the Neon Pothos, Silver Pothos, and Jade Pothos are incredibly easy to care for. They thrive in a variety of lighting conditions and require minimal watering, making them ideal for both seasoned gardeners and beginners. Their adaptability makes them perfect for both indoor settings and as a hanging plant for balconies.

3. Aesthetic Appeal: The vibrant, diverse foliage of money plants adds a touch of natural beauty to any space. For instance, the Variegated Money Plant, Manjula Pothos, and Green Money Plant offer striking colors and patterns that can enhance your home decor. Whether you choose a Marble Queen Pothos or a Marble Money Plant, these options bring a unique elegance to your interiors.

4. Positive Energy and Prosperity: According to traditional beliefs and Vastu Shastra, money plants are considered lucky plants for money. They are thought to attract wealth and good fortune. Placing plants like the N’Joy Pothos or Golden Pothos in strategic locations within your home can help channel positive energy and contribute to a prosperous environment.

5. Versatility: Money plants like the Philodendron Brasil and Satin Pothos can be grown in various settings, whether as a hanging plant for balcony gardens or as an indoor plant. Their versatility allows them to fit seamlessly into different decor styles and spaces.

6. Stress Reduction: Interacting with plants has been shown to reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being. The calming presence of plants such as the Neon Money Plant or Silver Money Plant can create a more relaxing atmosphere in your home or office.

7. Natural Humidifiers: Money plants, including the Marble Queen Pothos and Green Pothos, contribute to increasing humidity levels in your indoor space. This is particularly useful in dry environments and can improve skin hydration and respiratory health.

8. Improved Productivity: Studies have found that having plants in your workspace, such as the Manjula Money Plant or Jade Pothos, can boost productivity and focus. Their presence can enhance cognitive function and contribute to a more efficient and pleasant working environment.

9. Easy Propagation: Many money plants, including the N’Joy Pothos and Variegated Pothos, are easy to propagate, allowing you to expand your plant collection effortlessly. This feature also makes them great gifts for friends and family.

10. Space Enhancement: Money plants like the Satin Pothos and Marble Money Plant add a lush, green touch to your space, making them ideal for brightening up dull corners or adding a touch of nature to otherwise sterile environments.

In summary, money plants offer a blend of aesthetic beauty, practical benefits, and traditional beliefs that make them a valuable addition to any home. From air purification and stress reduction to their role in enhancing wealth and prosperity, these plants, available at Gachwala, provide numerous advantages that make them a cherished part of home decor.


Incorporating money plants into your home or garden can enhance both aesthetics and positive energy flow. From the vibrant Philodendron Brasil to the lush Satin Pothos, each variety like the Variegated Money Plant and Manjula Pothos offers unique benefits. The Marble Queen Pothos Plant, N’Joy Pothos, Green Money Plant, and Neon Pothos add a touch of elegance, while the Silver Pothos and Jade Pothos contribute to a vibrant, harmonious environment. For indoor spaces or hanging plant displays, Gachwala provides a variety of options tailored to your needs. Embrace these lucky plants for money and enjoy their beauty and potential benefits.

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